The Jammu and Kashmir police on Friday announced a bounty of Rs. 10 lakh on a wanted terrorist, in connection with the heists at two banks in Pulwama district.
Earlier this week, a group of terrorists looted two banks in South Kashmir within the span of one and a half hour and decamped with over Rs. 6 lakhs.
Police said, a group of gunmen barged into the Elaquai Dehati Bank (EDB) branch at Wahibugh area of south Kashmir's Pulwama district.
They had also threatened the bank employees at gunpoint and decamped with about Rs 4.90 lakhs from the bank.
While investigation was underway, terrorists reached Jammu and Kashir Bank's Nihama branch in Kakapora area of Pulwama at around 3.30 pm and looted Rs 1.30 lakh at gunpoint.
Kashmir has witnessed a surge in bank robberies after old Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency have been stopped since November last year.