The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, on Saturday said Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi would be an ideal choice for the Prime Minister's post after the 2014 general elections, and added that he would be happy to work for the party under his leadership.
"I have always maintained that Rahul Gandhiji would be an ideal choice for Prime Minister's post after 2014 elections," Dr. Singh said on board Air India 1 when asked if he would be looking to run for a third term in office.
"I would be happy to work for the Congress party under the leadership of Mr. Rahul Gandhi," he added .
Dr. Singh, who was talking to the media while returning home from the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg, had earlier in June praised Rahul Gandhi, and said that the latter is a national leader.
"I will be very happy to see Rahul step into my shoes... I have always believed Rahul is fit enough to be a leader of the UPA - that is not a question of any speculation," said Dr. Singh, while expressing confidence that the UPA will get a third term.
Earlier this year, Rahul Gandhi was elevated to the number two position in the Congress Party after being appointed its vice-president.