Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Friday alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who used to make tall claims during the Lok Sabha elections, is now absolutely silent on the corruption charges that have been leveled against his Cabinet colleagues.
"Prime Minister Modi had said 'na khaaunga na khaane dunga'. But he seems to be blind to the Vyapam scam, to the corruption charges levelled against Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. The same person, who used to deliver speeches everyday during election rallies, why is he so silent today?" Gandhi told the media here.
Gandhi further said that there will be no discussion in the Parliament until the accused ministers resign from their posts.
"Until the ministers resign, there will be no discussion in the Parliament. 40 people have died in the Vyapam scam, Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje is deeply involved with a fugitive, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Cabinet Minister is writing notes to help a fugitive, yet the Prime Minister is silent," he added.
Facing repeated adjournments for four consecutive days of the Monsoon Session, both Houses of the Parliament have been adjourned till Monday.
The Monsoon Session of the Parliament has so far been plagued by chaos over the Vyapam scam and Lalit Modi controversy, with an unrelenting opposition leading to noisy scenes and repeated adjournments.