Union Railways Minister Sadananda Gowda's wife Datty Sadananda Gowda today said that she expects the Railway budget to focus on safety for women and cleanliness.
Datty said that women had appealed to her regarding this issue and then she had asked the same from her husband.
Gowda's son, Karthik Gowda too, said that he put in a special request for bullet trains and wireless connectivity to the Railway Minister.
Karthik Gowda told ANI, "I want the bullet trains to start. Right now, its not my father but the Railway Minister who is presenting the budget. Cleanliness and security is also important. Everyone also wants wi-fi in the trains. Even for tickets, we have to wait in line but now it would be done via internet."
The first Railway Budget of the Modi government will be presented by Union Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda today.