Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh paid his respects to the police officers who have sacrificed their lives for the nation at the police memorial ground in Chanakyapuri, on the occasion of Police Commemoration Day here on Tuesday.
"We pay our respects to all police officers who have sacrificed their lives for the protection of the nation," said Singh.
"I am confident that work for the establishment of 'National Police Memorial' will start this year only," he added after witnessing the Commemoration Day parade.
October 21 is observed as 'Commemoration Day' every year in all police lines throughout the country to mark the memory of the gallant personnel who were killed in Ladakh and all other police personnel killed on duty in 1959.
The Police Commemoration Day Parade is being held at the national level since 2012 at the Police Memorial, Chanakyapuri.
Since 1961, 32,557 police personnel have sacrificed their lives for security of the nation and service to the society.
In 2014, 662 police personnel throughout the country have laid their lives on the call of duty so far.