Union Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore on Friday paid a surprise visit to the Jaipur's Vidyadhar Nagar Stadium in order to inspect the facilities provided to the players.
Following the inspection, Rathore asserted that he was "disheartened" after looking at the arrangements and mismanagement here.
"There are two things- one is lack of facilities and the other is mismanagement of the provided facilities," Rathore told ANI, while referring to the mismanagement at the stadium.
The 2004 Athens Olympic silver-medallist observed that proper cleanliness was also not maintained here.
Showing his displeasure towards the coaching facilities available, Rathore said, "Coach and player share a special relationship where the latter learns from the former and moves ahead even if adequate facilities are not available. But, here the coaches are just working as government employees."
However, the Sports Minister assured that strict and immediate action would be taken against them and that the players would be given all facilities and a friendly environment to encourage more participation in sports.
Rathore further said that he would also urge officials of Sports Authority of India (SAI) and Sports Council to fulfill their responsibility.