Employees of Rashtrapati Bhavan, including members of the Delhi Police and the President's Bodyguard witnessed and participated in a T-10 cricket tournament on Thursday, to mark the 200th and last test match of Sachin Tendulkar.
The tournament was organized in response to demands from all sections of President's Secretariat to have such matches with the participation of a large number of staff members and with the goal of creating team spirit and a healthy sports environment.
The four teams that which participated in the tournament were:
(i) President's Secretariat Avengers
(ii) Household Royals
(iii) Delhi Police Challengers
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(iv) PBG Chargers
The matches were held at the school ground of Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarvodaya Vidyalaya within the President's Estate which was inaugurated by the President on 25th July, 2013. Total six matches were played in the League, in addition to the final match.
President Mukherjee will give away the trophies and prizes to the winning teams at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sarvodaya Vidyalaya this evening.
Prizes will include for :
(1) Man of the Series
(2) Best Bowler
(3) Trophy to Runner-up team