Reliance Group led by Anil Ambani on Tuesday said that it has decided to withdraw defamation suits filed by it against individuals and corporate bodies for making "defamatory statements with regard to the offset agreement between Reliance Group and Dassault Aviation."
"We believe that the defamatory statements by certain individuals and corporate bodies with regard to the offset agreement between Reliance Group and Dassault Aviation were made for political purposes in the run-up to the Lok Sabha election 2019 that have concluded on Sunday, May 19. Besides, the subject matter is pending for adjudication before the Supreme Court," said Reliance Group spokesperson in a statement.
"Therefore, the Group has decided to withdraw the defamation suits filed by it against these individuals and corporate bodies," the spokesperson added.
It is worth mentioning three sisters concerns of Reliance Group -- Reliance Defence, Reliance Infrastructure, and Reliance Aerostructure -- had earlier filed civil defamation suits against many Congress leaders including Sunil Jakhar and Randeep Singh Surjewala.
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