Reliance Jio on Tuesday launched its Diwali 2019 offer, a special one-time deal under which the JioPhone will be available at Rs 699 as compared to its current price of Rs 1,500.
"During the festive season of Dussehra and Diwali, Jio is making the JioPhone available for a special price of only Rs 699 as against the current price of Rs 1,500. This is a clear saving of over Rs 800 without any special conditions like having to exchange your old phone," the company stated in a press release.
This price is far lower than many of the current 2G feature phones in the market. As such, the final barrier that has prevented feature phone users from upgrading to 4G services is now eliminated.
Reliance has labelled this offer as its investment and commitment towards bringing the weaker sections of Indian society into the internet economy.
The company will further give data benefit valued at Rs 700 for JioPhone customers who join Jio through this offer. For the first seven recharges that the customer does, Jio will additionally add Rs 99 worth of data.
"This additional data worth Rs 700 will enable JioPhone users to enter an unseen world of entertainment, payments, e-commerce, education, learning, train and bus booking, artificial intelligence apps and lots more. The savings of Rs 800 on the JioPhone and the Rs 700 worth of data, gives a massive benefit of Rs 1,500 on every JioPhone. This benefit of Rs 1,500 is Jio's Diwali gift for a prospering digital India," the release added.