A court here on Tuesday sent Ranbaxy's former promoters Malvinder Singh, Shivinder Singh and former Chairman Sunil Godhwani to further two-days police custody in connection with Religare Finvest Ltd (RFL) funds misappropriation case.
The court also sent former CEO Kavi Arora and finance chief Anil Saxena to another two-days judicial remand.
Police today informed the court that new materials have come forward and they need to interrogate them about some new entities.
The counsel for Malvinder and Shivinder Singh did not vehemently oppose the same and said that they are happy to assist in the investigation.
Police had sought two-day custodial interrogation of Malvinder, Shivinder and Sunil Godhwani.
All of them will now appear before the court on October 17.