Film producer Ritesh Sidhwani recently took to the social media to quash the rumors that Shah Rukh Khan's most awaited flick 'Raees' will not hit screens alongside Salman Khan's 'Sultan'.
Taking to his Twitter handle, Sidhwani tweeted, "Some people spreading Rumours about #Raees release being moved.. Like I said RUMOURS."
The recent buzz started when noted trade analyst Komal Nahta said that the release date of the upcoming flick 'Raees' has been postponed.
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He tweeted, "And now, here's the news of the year!! ShahRukhKhan's Raees has been postponed. It will NOT clash with SalmanKhan's Sultan on Eid this year."
Interestingly, both movies will be released on Eid this year and will clash with each other at the Box Office.
Rahul Dholakia's directorial is a thriller and will feature SRK in the role of a cruel bootlegger while, 'Sultan' is based on the life of a wrestler and is directed by Ali Abbas Zafar.