Accusing the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh of spreading communal disharmony, Communist Party of India (CPI) leader D Raja on Monday said the RSS and other 'sangh parivar' outfits are very active in communalizing and polarising the situation in Uttar Pradesh ahead of the bye-polls.
Commenting on Samajwadi Party (SP) Mulayam Singh Yadav's statement that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is inciting communal violence in Uttar Pradesh, Raja said, "Whether one agrees with Mulayam Singh or not, it is a fact that BJP, the RSS and other 'sangh parivar' outfits are very active in communalizing the situation and polarising UP where the elections are immediately due."
"The way Yogi Adityanath has been speaking or the other BJP leaders are speaking with regard to 'love jihad' is a clear indication that they rake-up the issue every day , they target Muslim minority , they spread hatred towards Muslim minority and in fact they try to target Muslim minority for communal clashes which take place in UP," Raja added.
The CPI leader further said all these facts clearly indicate that the BJP and 'sangh parivar' outfits are out on the streets to create communal strive wherever it is possible especially in Uttar Pradesh where the elections are due.
He also said that the current situation in Uttar Pradesh is very distressing.
Mulayam had earlier alleged that the BJP was playing divisive politics to garner votes. During the Samajwadi Party's campaign in Mainpuri, he had also alleged that the BJP, which had no other issue, is excellent at lying and at spreading rumours.