General Secretary of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Suresh Bhaiyyaji Joshi on Tuesday condemned the Jalalabad blast which killed 19 people and injured 20 others in the eastern province of Nangarhar in Afghanistan on July 1.
"We are deeply shocked by the terror attack carried out by the Islamic extremist groups in Afghanistan's Jalalabad which killed Sikhs and Hindus and strongly condemn it," said the official RSS statement.
Of 19 deceased people, ten are from Afghanistan's Sikh community. According to several media reports, Hindus are also amongst the deceased.
The Afghan branch of the terrorist group Islamic State has claimed responsibility for this heinous act.
"We pray to God that the people killed in the blast achieve salvation and their families muster the strength to get through this situation," the statement added.
Meanwhile, RSS said that they hope Afghanistan government will take stringent actions against the terrorists. India has also asked Afghanistan to take appropriate actions against the terrorists involved in the blast.
They even called all the democratic forces of the world to come together to resolutely fight the ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).