Blaming UK for the Tunisia attack, Russell Brand dismissed the minute's silence that was being done in honour of the victims by calling it "total bull***t."
In his new video, 'Tunisia Minute Of Silence, Total Bulls***' the 40-year-old comic actor turned political activist said that there was no point in holding the tribute to the 30 Brits feared to have perished in the terrorist attack because the UK had caused it, reported the Daily Star.
He added that Britain's decision to bomb foreign countries was the behind ISIS gunman Seifeddine Rezgui's grenade and gun rampage that left 38 dead.
Talking about the massacre, the 'Arthur' star said that Brit people should demand their government to stop selling arms to the countries which are on its own human rights abuse list in order to show respect to people who died.
He added that it will have a lot more impact than a minute's silence.
In the video, Brand has also accused David Cameron of orchestrating foreign policy to protect America and giant corporations and arms dealers and oil companies instead of ordinary people of the world.