Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh on Tuesday accused Shiromani Akali Dal leaders Harsimrat Badal and Sukhbir Badal of obstructing coordination between the state government and Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) for Parkash Purb celebrations to mark 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak.
"Sukhbir and Harsimrat Badal are trying to scuttle an amicable settlement of the issue at every step for their political gains, What kind of Akalis are these? Definitely not the Taksali Akalis of the founding party," said the Chief Minister while campaigning for Congress candidate Captain Sandeep Sandhu in the upcoming by-election.
The Chief Minister said three cabinet ministers met SGPC officials on Tuesday and had an amicable discussion on the organisation of the festival.
He refuted opposition claims about the state government not delivering on its promises.
"All the promises are being fulfilled in stages and the remaining would also be implemented as the fiscal situation of the state improves. We are 101 per cent confident of sweeping all the four bypolls," he said.
The mood was in favour of the Congress as the people want development, which our government is delivering to them, he said.
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The Chief Minister also lambasted Pakistan for imposing 20 per cent fee on Indian pilgrims visiting Kartarpur Sahib.
"How will the poor pilgrims pay this amount? The Sikh religion propounds 'khulle darshan' - an ideology that Pakistan seems bent on violating," Singh said.
Amarinder Singh also informed that the state government was working closely with the Centre over the preparations for Kartarpur Sahib inauguration.
He also attacked Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal over his statement that stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana were contributing to poor air quality in Delhi.
"Though the stubble being burnt in Pakistan and the northern states were carrying pollutants to the national capital due to the westerly winds, it is only a small part of the problem Kejriwal is trying to divert blame to the other states to hide his own failures," he said.
"Our government is taking all possible steps to ensure that the few farmers who are still burning paddy straw in Punjab also put an end to the damaging practice," said the Chief Minister.