Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav on Monday condoled the passing away of former president A.P.J Abdul Kalam saying that it was extremely sad that such a great scholar was no more in the world.
"He was a great president. I express my condolences; He was not only a great president but also a great scientist. It is sad that such a great scholar is no more. He made great contributions even when has was not functioning as a president," Lalu said.
"Everybody is shocked by his sudden demise. I pray to god that his soul rests in peace and we will try to fulfil the vision he had for the country," he added.
Kalam passed away in Shillong earlier today after he was admitted to a hospital in the city.
The former president collapsed during a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management. He was in a critical condition and had been admitted to the city's Bethany Hospital.
Kalam served as the 11th President on India from 2002 to 2007.