One name has appeared 2-3 times in the same voter list. In one of the lists for Mungaoli, one photo has been used 5-6 times as an identity for 5-6 different people. Even those who are now deceased or have moved out of Mungaoli, their names are still in the voters list.
Both the Congress and the BJP have made complaints to the Chief Electoral Office (MP) in this regard. The Congress has made as many as 36 complaints pertaining to Mungaoli and 17 for Kolaras. The BJP has also made 35-36 complaints to the CEC's office in this regard.
Saleena Singh said her office is taking these complaints very seriously keeping in mind the state elections due later this year. Action has already been initiated, and the collector has been transferred. Further inquiries are being conducted to bring to light the scale of the fraud and action will be taken against those responsible. She assured everyone present that the whole issue will be sorted out within the next 24-25 hours.