Taking a jibe at Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis over his statement that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) would never join hands with the Congress, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Monday said it is strange that the saffron party can enter into an alliance with the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which called a terrorist like Afzal Guru as martyr.
"The BJP has allied with Mehbooba Mufti's Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which called a terrorist like Afzal Guru as freedom fighter and martyr, but is facing problem in entering into an alliance with the Congress under whose governance Afzal Guru was sentenced to be hanged for being a terrorist," Raut told ANI.
His response came after Fadnavis said the BJP won't enter into an alliance with the Congress at any point or at any cost.
"Whoever wants to go with them can go, the BJP won't say a single word," he said.
Raut also dismissed reports suggesting that the Shiv Sena was all geared up to join hands with the Congress after the BMC polls.
"The Mayor will be from Shiv Sena, wait till March 9. We haven't approached the Congress for any alliance. All reports are false," he told ANI.