It seems like Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor is leaving no stone unturned to keep up his hot-daddy image, proves his latest snap during his "gym session."
The 35-year-old star is blessed with a baby girl named Misha in August, this year.
He shared a picture, working out in gym, on his Instagram along with a caption that reads, ""Gym sessions."
It is however a known fact that the handsome hunk is a fitness freak and keeps on posting his work-out pictures on his social media handles.
On the work front, Shahid is all set with his Vishal Bhardwaj's flick 'Rangoon,' alongside Saif Ali Khan and Kangana Ranaut that will release early next year.
The 'Haider' actor is also working for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's period-drama 'Padmavati,' also featuring Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh in key roles. The movie is set to release on November 17 next year.