Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain on Thursday laid the foundation stone of an annexe building in the premise of Delhi Forensic Science Laboratory.
Jain said the government was committed to creating world-class technological facilities which include well-equipped forensic labs.
He said such facilities help create fear among criminals.
"I promise to extend the government's support for forensic science laboratory in the future as well,"said the minister, according to an official statement.
The minister also inaugurated brain fingerprinting facilities for forensic psychological examination for suspects and criminals.
"The building will have facilities such as hi-tech DNA lab for crimes against women and children, advanced cyber forensic lab to examine on-line and off-line frauds, ultra-modern facilities for testing of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) amid other facilities," said Deepa Verma. Director of Delhi Forensic Laboratory.