The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday said its 'Save Bengal' programme has been started to bring to light the present condition of West Bengal and also stating that an event relating to the same will be held in the Constitution Club on July 26.
"On July 26 at 5 p.m. in the Constitution Club, many military officers, experts, MPs will assemble and give their opinion on 'Save Bengal.' Even I will be a part of it. The 'Save Bengal' aims at bringing the present situation prevailing in the state in front of the people and country. That is why this programme is continuing since July 13," Sinha told ANI.
The BJP started the 'Save Bengal' campaign on July 13 from New Delhi's Rajghat.
BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi said that that the disruptive jihadi mindset has rooted in West Bengal and the whole country needs to come together to curb it.
The BJP's march comes in the backdrop of recent communal violence WB's Baduria and Basirhat areas of North 24 Parganas district over a Facebook post. These areas are close to Bangladesh border.
Lekhi demanded Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee-led West Bengal Government to give its nod to seal the porous Bangladesh border to tame the jihadist forces in the state.
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The BJP leader said alleged that there seems to be an interest working in West Bengal through the WB government to create hurdles in border sealing.
She further said that when she looks back in history there are so many great Bengali freedom fighters who gave their life for the nation's freedom and then she sees the Bengal that is ruled by Mamata Banerjee which is quite the opposite and the politics done on religious basis and appeasement is for everybody to see.
"This Bengal is not even the shadow of the past Bengal where the people were cooperative, extremely well off, educated and look at this Bengal under Mamata Banerjee," Lekhi said.
She exhorted every Indian and all patriotic Bengalis to save Bengal from the atrocities and from the appeasement politics.