Google on Thursday announced the launch of Google Assistant in Hindi. The Assistant in Hindi is rolling out to Android phones 6.0+ (Marshmallow and above) and soon coming to Android 5.0 Lollipop, iPhones as well as Android Oreo (Go edition) devices.
Over the last year, Google has launched the Assistant in Hindi in Allo, brought the English Assistant to more phones, and made a special version available for Reliance Jio feature phones. Now, more Indians can get help from their Hindi Assistant starting today.
The Google Assistant lets you have a conversation with Google to help you get things done in your world from telling you about your day, to finding the fastest route to work, or just setting an alarm for the next day all in Hindi. To try it out, just touch and hold the Home button or say "Ok Google" on eligible smartphones and your personal Google Assistant will be ready to help you throughout your day. Even when your hands are full, you can quickly send text messages, set reminders, or get directions with the Google Assistant.
"The Google Assistant is truly Indian, it's your helpful dost that speaks our language and understands the things you care about, from finding biryani recipes, to pulling up the latest cricket score, or finding directions to the nearest ATM. In order to make it even more useful to Indians over time, developers and businesses can now build Actions for the Hindi Assistant through the developer platform Actions on Google. Once an action is built, you can just say "Ok Google, talk to" and access the service or content straight through your Google Assistant," said Technical Program Manager, Assistant, Purvi Shah.
Powered by machine learning, the Google Assistant is built on two decades of experience in Search as well as natural language understanding, computer vision, and understanding user context.
That's how your Assistant is able to understand intent behind words to handle follow-up questions and complex, multi-step tasks. And it'll get better over time -- with your permission, it can learn your preferences, your likes and your dislikes -- all done in a private, secure way that puts you in control.
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Here are some examples of questions you can ask your Google Assistant:
• Sabse kareeb Punjabi restaurant kahaan hain?
• Dadar tak pahunchne mein kitna samay lagega?
• Cricket ka score kya hain?
You can even instruct it
• Kal subah mujhe saat baje jagaao
• Selfie kheencho
• Daddy ko SMS bhejo "5 minutes mein pahunchenge"
With today's update, the Google Assistant in Hindi is now available on Android phones 6.0+ (Marshmallow and above), in Allo and soon on Android 5.0+ Lollipop, Android Oreo (Go edition), and iPhones (iOS 9.1 and above). To access the Hindi Google Assistant, set your device language to Hindi and update your Google Search app to the latest version. For more information please see the Google Assistant website.