Uttar Pradesh Police on Friday invoked CrPC section 144 in Gautam Buddh Nagar till January 31 in view of safety concerns related to Republic Day.
"No use of private drones, No protests without approval from authorities, No traffic jams, No possession of harmful objects, No audio-video with sensitive content, No alcohol drinking at public places are allowed," Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Ashutosh Dwivedi, said in the notice.
The order has been imposed in Gautam Budhh Nagar from January 22 to January 31. Any person found violating the above order will be booked under IPC Section 188.
Police said that the restrictions have been imposed as many people are likely to participate in Republic Day celebrations from Gautam Buddh Nagar. Also, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is likely to visit the district on the occasion of Uttar Pradesh foundation day, January 24.
There are apprehensions of unwanted activities due to which the section has been invoked 'one-sidedly' for the safety of the public, police said.