Union Home Minister and Deputy Leader of the BJP in Lok Sabha Rajnath Singh on Thursday said Dr. Ambedkar, the principle architect of the Constitution didn't find it necessary to insert 'Socialist' and 'Secular' words in the Preamble as he felt it's already in our basic nature adding that secular is the most misused word in Indian politics.
"Dr Ambedkar didn't find it necessary to insert 'Socialist' and 'Secular' words in the Preamble because he felt it's already in our basic nature. If there's is any word which is being misused in Indian politics, that is 'Secular'," Rajnath said, while addressing the Lok Sabha on the first day of the Winter Session of the Parliament.
"'Socialist' and 'Secular' these two words were inserted in the Constitution by the members of the constituent assembly based on their collective understanding," Rajnath added.
Rajnath also emphasised on the government's commitment to women empowerment in the country.
"We are committed to 25% reservation in police & para-military forces. We're committed to Women Empowerment," Rajnath said.