One suspect has been detained by police, after at least five low-intensity blasts took place on Sunday in and around Gandhi Maidan, where Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is all set to address the 'Hunkar' rally later today.
According to reports, the first bomb exploded at the railway station in Patna, injuring one person. Another bomb that was found in a toilet was defused.
Reports also suggest that there were blasts near Elphinston cinema and Twins Tower, both near Gandhi Maidan.
Police detained the suspect, Pankaj Kumar, after eyewitnesses claimed that he had seen him throw a crude bomb.
Though blasts have been reported from inside Gandhi Maidan, where Modi is set to make his address, BJP leaders have condemned the blasted and said that the Gujarat Chief Minister will continue with his rally.
"Even after this lawlessness following the blasts, we are ready for the rally. Narendra Modiji will address rally," BJP leader Rajiv Pratap Rudy.
"We condemn the blast. Investigation as to who is behind this must happen," BJP spokesperson Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi demanded.