Union Information Technology and Communications Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Monday said that the sexist comments made by Janata Dal (United) chief Sharad Yadav was deplorable and asked him to withdraw it.
"I totally disapprove and also criticise the comment of Sharad Yadav which he made while speaking on the Insurance Bill in the Rajya Sabha last week about the colour of women from South India. It was totally uncalled for and deplorable. This was not needed at all," he told ANI.
"It should be a matter of faith for us to respect the dignity of women of India not only of south India but the entire country. For that matter every part of the world. And, Sharad Yadav should not stand on prestige and should withdraw this comment, express regret. This would not only enhance his prestige but also lead to restoration and dignity of the Parliament," he added.
Yadav, who has drawn flak from the women lawmakers over his sexist comments refused to tender an apology and justified his stand by quoting an excerpt from a Bollywood number.
"What should I apologize for? I am standing with the truth. Don't you read matrimonial advertisements everyday in the newspapers? Isn't wheatish colour the mark of beauty? Were Krishna and Ram not wheatish?" Yadav asked.
"Why has the song 'Moraa Goraa Ang Lai Le Mohe Shaam Rang Dai De' been made then?" he added.
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The JD (U) chief had during the debate on Insurance Bill in the Rajya Sabha last week spoke about the obsession of Indians for fair skin.
"Your God is dark like Ravi Shankar Prasad (BJP leader and Minister for Communications and IT) but your matrimonial ads insist on white-skinned brides," he said jocularly as the male MPs burst into laughter.
Referring to complexion of south Indian women, he said: "The women of the south are dark but they are as beautiful as their bodies... We don't see it here. They know (how to) dance."
Yadav's remarks did not go well with the female lawmakers with DMK MP Kanimozhi strongly objecting to it.