Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has summoned a meeting of his National Security Committee (NSC) on Friday, as he returned to the capital Islamabad after an absence of nearly two months.
The meeting is expected to be attended by the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, chiefs of all three arms of the military, DG Inter Services Intelligence, important cabinet members including ministers of finance, interior, defence and information who are part of this committee, reports the Express Tribune.
Reports suggest that key advisers to the Prime Minister on foreign affairs and national security are also expected to attend the meeting.
Prime Minister Sharif's office said the committee, the highest forum for civil-military coordination on security issues, is likely to deliberate on important internal and regional security issues today.
Nawaz had last summoned a meeting of the National Security Committee back in April.
Since then several developments have taken place in the country including the escalation in tensions about the Kashmir issue with India.
The National Security Committee is also expected to review National Action Plan, the lapse of Protection of Pakistan Act, hurdles in extending the tenure of paramilitary forces in Karachi and progress of the ongoing military operation Zarb-e-Azb.