Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde on Saturday said that over 900 people have lost their lives as per the reports received by him, and added that over one lakh five thousand people have so far been evacuated.
Shinde further said that the combing operations would be carried out in the next three to four days to make sure that none are still stranded.
"The Government of India is providing all assistance. We have also formulated a scheme of Rs. 1,95,000 for Uttarakhand," he added.
Shinde earlier on Friday offered his condolences to all the brave hearts killed in the chopper crash, and announced that the Centre would provide more funds to Uttarakhand for rehabilitation and restoration of infrastructure damaged by flash floods.
He said that priority would be given to evacuate the sick, old and disabled people, a large number of whom are stranded in the Badrinath area.
Shinde, who also reviewed rescue and relief operations, gave an assurance that IAF choppers will remain in the hill state for another 15 days and continue to provide support.
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Chief of Army Staff, General Bikram Singh, yesterday said that the rescue operations would continue till the last person is evacuated.
"Our endeavour is to locate all our citizens, wherever they are, and get them out," he told the media in Gauchar.
The Army Chief earlier held interaction with his officers and men.
Meanwhile, Union Rural Development Ministry has announced a special package under Indira Awas Yojana for Uttarakhand.
Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh in a letter written to Uttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna said his ministry has doubled the allocation of housing units by adding another 14 thousand.