As Bollywood actor Rani Mukerji ringed in her 42nd birthday on Saturday, the actor received a heartwarming birthday wish from co-actor Siddhanth Chaturvedi.
The 'Gully Boy' actor took to Instagram as he shared a picture with the 'Mardaani' actor with a heartwarming post that read, "Happy birthday Queen "B" #Ranimukherjee [?]It's an absolute honour to be sharing the screen with you! PS: not sure if I'll share the loot though. #buntyaurbabli2."
In the quirky picture, Siddhanth is sitting on a bench along with Rani as they both share a smile and pose for the click. He will be seen sharing the screen space with the 'Hichki' actor for the upcoming comedy-drama 'Bunty Aur Babli 2.'
The movie is a sequel of the 2005 release and will also see Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji reunite after 11 years and will showcase them as the original 'Bunty Aur Babli.'
Produced by Aditya Chopra, the movie is set to hit the theatres on June 26. .
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