Union Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy said here on Thursday that all emergency and helpline numbers in the national capital have been integrated and one single helpline number -- 112 -- has been introduced, which will be operational across the country very soon.
"We have coincided all emergency and helpline numbers of Delhi and have introduced one single helpline number --- 112. It will be operational across the nation very soon," said Reddy.
On Wednesday, the Delhi Police launched the Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) --- 112. Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik said that 100 and other emergency numbers are integrated with 112 for the convenience of citizens.
"Dial 100 and other emergency numbers would be integrated with 112, which is Emergency Response Support System. If someone dial 100 it will automatically get transferred to 112," Patnaik had said.
Union Minister Reddy also said that the crime rate in Delhi has decreased by 26 per cent.