Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kirit Somaiya on Sunday said that he would be raising the Bikaner land grab issue allegedly involving Congress president Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law Robert Vadra in Parliament tomorrow.
"Robert Vadra has parked the scam money through web of companies via these solar land transactions and parked the scam money in his own company. I am going to raise this issue tomorrow in Parliament, let government brief the people how the jija ji of Gandhi family has parked scam money," he told ANI.
Stepping up the attack against Vadra, Somaiya said the 'jija ji' (brother-in-law) has parked the scam money through web of companies via these solar land transactions.
"Robert Vadra has used number of shell companies like Allegeny Finlease Pvt Ltd, Sky Light Hospitality (SLH) or somebody named Faqir Mohammed, Jay Prakash Bagadwa. Overall non entity has been used for money laundering," he said.
When asked on the actions he has initiated against Vadra, the BJP MP said he has already filed a complaint in this regard with the Rajasthan Government.
"I have already sent a letter to the CBI, state government and Enforcement Directorate. I have already submitted 100 pages of details of Robert Vadra's company and I want them to take action in this regard," he added.
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The Enforcement Directorate had earlier conducted searches at various locations in Rajasthan in connection with the Bikaner land scam case allegedly connected to a company linked to Vadra.
The agency conducted searches at eight places in Bikaner and nearby areas, belonging to accused Jay Prakash Bagadwa and others.
The raids were also conducted on the premises of some retired officials, including Faqir Mohammed, Uma Charan, Deeparam and Mahavir Swamy.
The alleged land grab case pertains to acquisition of around 1,400 acres of land, sold to seven companies between 2009 and 2011. One of these was Sky Light Hospitality (SLH), a firm connected to Vadra.