Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Somnath Bharti's wife Lipika Mitra on Monday said that her husband had asked her if she was working for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), adding that he started calling her everyday after she filed a complaint with the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW).
"There has been no contact since the last incident of abuse from him on May 28. But the day I filed the complaint against him, on June 10, he has been sending me SMSes everyday... his love for me has suddenly come out; his concern for the children, which he never had...He asked me if I was working for the BJP," Mitra told the media.
"I want action to be taken against him. Earlier, I was not sure, I wanted an easier way out so that the children do not suffer... my only concern was getting full custody of the children," she added.
Mitra also disclosed that she has documentary and electronic evidence of the abuses suffered by her.
On June 10, the DCW served notice to Bharti after Mitra accused him of domestic violence. She has alleged that she has been facing violence at the hands of Bharti since 2010 and has said that she wants a separation in order to live with her children 'with dignity'.