South Korea President's office has confirmed that it bought 360 Viagra pills to treat altitude sickness of presidential aides and employees during President Park Geun-hye trips to Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya, as these nations were thousands of metres above sea level.
As the revelation sparked frenzy across internet, the spokesman of the presidential Blue House, Jung Youn-kuk said the pills were not used.
Viagra-style drugs are sometimes prescribed by South Korean doctors to climbers as they are supposed to be effective in preventing altitude sickness, reports the Guardian.
These revelations come as Park is struggling with a massive political scandal.
President Park is also accused of letting her confidante Choi Soon-sil, who does not hold an official government post, view confidential documents and presidential speeches.
Local media and opposition parties have accused Choi of using her relationship with Park to accumulate millions of dollars in donations for her foundations.
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Opposition parties and some members of her own Saenuri party are pushing for an impeachment motion against Park.
Offices of the Samsung Group and the state pension fund were raided by prosecutors on Wednesday as the electronics giant faces allegations that it had bribed Park's confidant Choi Soon-Sil to win state approval for a controversial merger it sought in 2015.