The Bharatiya Janata Party on Sunday said the "Samajwadi Party is a crumbling house" as accusation and counter-accusation has come out in open.
Rita Bahuguna Joshi, who recently joined the BJP, said that the Akhilesh government has destroyed the law and governance in Uttar Pradesh.
"The Samajwadi Party house is crumbling as accusation and counter-accusation has started coming to the fore. What was simmering as a discontent within the party as a power struggle," she said.
"Struggle for money and power has now become a full blown war about who is going to control the party as this party is a patriarch in nature. Mulayam Singh Yadav is getting too old and becoming forgetful also. So the real fight is between Akhilesh Yadav and Shivpal is to who is going to be the powerful person in the party," she added.
"BJP has no interest of what other parties are doing because they are fighting among themselves and accusing each other. Shivpal Yadav has been an accused colluding with the mining mafia and with other mafias in the state," Joshi said.
Meanwhile, pouncing on the SP over the recent development of the day, the BJP contended that it was only a matter of time that the feuding party announced a massive split.