Shah Rukh Khan's production company Red Chillies Entertainment (RCE) has recently declared that their film, 'Happy New Year' will now be released in Egypt on 31st December, 2014.
RCE authorities informed that 'Happy New Year' (HNY) will initially get released in 10 theaters in Cairo, Alexandria and Obour City including all major theatres and multiplexes, and will have English and Arabic subtitles.
Venky Mysore, CEO of Red Chillies Entertainment, said that the team of RCE was very thankful that HNY has been received very well across International markets, and hoped the audiences in Egypt will enjoy HNY as much as all audiences around the world have.
United Motion Pictures has been given all the rights of distribution in Egypt, and with this 'Happy New Year' is the second film of Red Chillies Entertainments Pvt. Ltd. after 'Chennai Express', that will reach Egyptian audience.