With polls right around the corner in Madhya Pradesh, all political parties are putting their best foot forward promising best of development for the state, however, state of affairs in Gora village of Bundelkhand region narrate a total different story.
A fourth successive drought in the last five years has shattered the people of this region. The situation is such that one can find every second house locked up, as the villagers are now migrating from the vicinity in search of employment opportunities
It is only the elderly or children who can be found in the village. They survive on the money being sent by their family members working in various other places.
However, the youth of the village dreams big and wishes to contribute towards the betterment of the region. But to their dismay the lack of opportunity in the area leaves them no choice.
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One of the young boys named Jaihind says, "All of my family members have left the village and I live alone here to study. I want to become a policeman or get a job in future."
Echoing similar sentiments another lad namely Lal says, "My father and mother have left the village and I along with my two brother live here. I want to become an engineer. I want to stay and work here."
Similarly, Rajkumar who was planning to leave the town said, "I am going to Delhi-Noida and would work as a labor or find work at some factory. I can't work here because the pay is very less and we won't be able to sustain my family."
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Back-to-back droughts and erratic rainfall pattern in the era of global warming has in fact also drastically affected the groundwater level in the state.
Officially, the state government announced drought in 110 tehsils of 13 districts, including the five rain-starved districts of Bundelkhand. Last year, it hardly rained in the region leading to yet another drought.
The 230-Madhya Pradesh Assembly will go to polls on November 28 and the counting of votes will be held on December 11.
The Assembly election in the state is seen as a direct political battle between the BJP and the Congress. While Chouhan is eyeing to secure his fourth consecutive term as the chief minister of the state, the Congress party is looking to regain power after 2003.