Former union minister Shashi Tharoor arrived at Vasant Vihar police station here in the capital on Monday to be examined by a special investigative team (SIT) in connection with his wife Sunanda Pushkar's murder investigation.
Earlier today, Delhi Police Commissioner BS Bassi declined to confirm or deny rumours of Tharoor having written to the police, simply stating that it is the prerogative of anyone to do so.
Pushkar, who married Tharoor in 2010, had checked into The Leela Hotel in Chanakyapuri a day before her death on January 17, 2014.
Tharoor's aides said the couple had checked into the luxury hotel because of renovation work at his New Delhi bungalow.
Prior to her death, Sunanda was embroiled in a spat with Pakistan-based journalist, Mehr Tarar, whom she accused of stalking her husband.