The staff of the Supreme Court of India have contributed over Rs. 1 crore to the PM-CARES Fund on Friday. The fund has been floated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in order to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
Earlier on Wednesday, all 33 judges of the Supreme Court donated Rs 50,000 each to the PM-CARES Fund.
Till now, several people including businesspersons, sports personalities, political leaders and Bollywood actors have contributed to the fund.
The PM-CARES Fund was created on March 28 following the COVID-19 outbreak in India. The fund will be used for combat, containment and relief efforts against the deadly virus and similar pandemic-like situations in the future.
According to the latest update provided by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Friday, there are 2,322 coronavirus positive cases in India out of which 162 have been cured or discharged. The death toll has reached 62 across the country.