Union External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj often hogs limelight for her witty replies on Twitter and resolving problems relating to visas and passport, but this time the minister's husband Swaraj Kaushal gave a glimpse of his sense of humour on the social media.
Kaushal witticism was witnessed by the tweeple, after a Twitter user asked as why he does not follow his wife Sushma Swaraj.
To this Kaushal gave a funny reply, soon after which the Twitter burst with laughter.
"Because I am not stranded in Libya or Yemen," Kaushal replied.
Kaushal's wit does not end here as he gave a hilarious reply to a Twitter user who asked him as when he had last met his wife.
"Are you an RTI activist?" Kaushal responded.
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In another hilarious exchange of tweets, Kaushal took a jibe at a user who complimented him and Sushma Swaraj on their great sense of humor.
"The comedy is on for 42 years now," Kaushal tweeted.
Another Twitter user tried to question Kaushal about his marriage but was left with disappointment as the latter came up with a question of his own.
The user asked whether he and Sushma Swaraj had a love or arranged marriage, to this Kaushal said: "What is the warranty period for each?"
The way Kaushal is taking on tweeple, it seems like they would think twice before asking him any question next time.