Mumbai police has filed a B Summary report, giving a clean chit to Nana Patekar, in connection with actor Tanushree Dutta sexual harassment case.
A 'B Summary' report is filed when the police is unable to find evidence in support of the complaint filed and hence decides to discontinue the investigation.
In September last year, Dutta had alleged that Patekar misbehaved with her on the sets of 'Horn Ok Please' in 2008 while shooting for a special dance number for the movie, and went on to file an FIR against the 'Welcome' star. However, Patekar refuted all allegations.
Earlier in May, amid buzz that Nana had been given a clean chit by the police as no eyewitness had confirmed the incident that was reported under #MeToo, Tanushree claimed it was a false rumour.
The actor issued a statement clarifying that the investigation is still going on while accusing Patekar's public relation team of spreading lies.
Later Tanushree's lawyer Nitin Satpute also confirmed that it was a false rumour and alleged that Patekar was 'intimidating and threatening' witnesses.