BJP MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar on Monday accused the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) government in the state of being involved in the illegal mining and looting money "much like the Congress during their term".
"Irregularities and illegalities are prevalent in the state's mining business. TRS leaders and government officials are also making money from illegal mining. The same was also taking place during the Congress government," Kumar said.
He accused the TRS of conniving fraud in the mining sector of the state.
"Mining officers have admitted that the mining in Karimnagar is being exported to China. The China officers identified the scam in Kakinada port and fined them but Telangana government is not collecting fines or acknowledging the fraud," Kumar claimed.
He asserted that people are affected and several are dying due to the pollution caused by this mining.
"The government is not taking any action because their leaders are also involved in this mining fraud. TRS leaders are looting the state," he added.
Kumar said that he has made complaints to the Railway Ministry and Enforcement Directorate and added that he will approach the governor on the issue.