Telangana BJP president Dr K Laxman on Tuesday conducted a round table in which he raised the issue of exorbitant fee structure in corporate and private schools in the state.
"There has been an enormous hike in the fee structure of corporate and private schools. Due to this hike in fees, there is severe pressure on parents in educating their children. So, that was the reason for conducting this meeting, so that we can create pressure on the government regarding this issue," Laxman told reporters here.
He added, "Since the time I was an MLA, I have been trying to bring this issue on the desks in Assembly. Despite our continuous efforts in improving the situation, the government has not responded until now. Being a national party, it is our responsibility to bring the issue again and again to the government's notice."
Laxman also talked about the difficulties faced by the middle and lower class families due to the rise in the cost of quality education and healthcare.
"Education and health have become more costly for the middle and the lower class families of society. These two issues have made their lives even more difficult. To give their children the best education, parents send them to schools with full facilities, and some schools take this as an advantage and impose excess hike in the fees. The same goes with the health department," he said.
"Many schools don't have grounds. Students are made to sit in a room and are forced to study from morning to evening. This makes them detached from the outside world. The schools are making the students to learn by-heart the syllabus. Some schools even implement their own syllabus without following the norms of the government," he added while talking about the lack of facilities in some schools.