Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Thursday categorically stated that as part of Telangana's fundamental policy of having cordial relations with the neighbouring states, the bifurcation problems with Andhra Pradesh will be settled with wisdom.
"The conditions, guidelines adapted whenever states are bifurcated in the country, the same conditions, rules and guidelines were implemented at the time of bifurcation of AP. In case of any problems and issues, both the states should solve them with mutual consent. There has to be natural understanding on the issues. If not, the Centre will interfere. Even if the problems persist, the Supreme Court has issued the guidelines. The Supreme Court has clearly mentioned about the Act. Any problem should be solved with the Act passed by the highest body in the country, the Parliament and only the Parliament has the right to make any changes," the Chief Minister clarified and instructed the officials concerned to voice the same at the Vijayawada meeting.
Further speaking at the meeting, Rao said "Andhra Pradesh bifurcation is a reality and this has to be accepted by everyone. Each one should rule according to their wisdom. Each state should run their own institutions. Division of APSRTC is a direct fall out of the AP bifurcation. The State bifurcation rules will also apply to the APSRTC division. Properties will be distributed in tune with the Act passed by the Parliament. The Board has no powers over this."
Rao later added, "There is a meeting scheduled tomorrow in Vijayawada to discuss about the division of RTC properties between the Telangana and AP States which will be held at Pragati Bhavan to finalise the Telangana State's stand on the matter".
Ministers like P Mahender Reddy, MDC Chairman Seri Subhash Reddy, Whip Palla Vishweswar Reddy, Principal Secretaries S Narsing Rao, Ramakrishna Rao, Sunil Sharma, TSRTC MD Ramana Rao and others were also present at the meeting.