The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Telangana unit on Monday hit out at the state government for casting aspersions on the appointment of Tamilisai Soundararajan as Governor and demanded an unconditional apology from the Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao on the issue.
"BJP seriously condemns the aspersions casts on the newly appointed Governor of Telangana, in a unprecedented manner and in a manner which is unbecoming of the state government of Telangana for a constitutional head being appointed, even before she swears in she has been insulted and there were accusations cast on the State Governor," Krishnasagar Rao, BJP Spokesperson told ANI.
"We consider this as a brazen insult and we demand the Chief Minister of Telangana K Chandrashekar Rao to make an unconditional apology to the State Governor," he added.
Rao further alleged that an English newspaper carried a big column written by the Chief Minister's Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) which said that how the appointment of the Governor is illegal.
"The CPRO of the Chief Minister wrote that the Sarkaria Commission guidelines have been violated and this is a political rehabilitation. The CPRO further wrote that the governor's office can misuse its power, and the central government has appointed this kind of governor in the recent times who will meddle with the state governments," Rao said.
"We can understand if a senior journalist writes it independently and if he is not connected to a state government but how can a senior state government officer drawing the salary of a State Government, write openly and cast aspersions on a newly appointed Governor. We want serious action on the officer who has done this misadventure," he added.
Soundararajan was on September 8 sworn-in as the second Governor of Telangana.