RJD leader and former chief minister of Bihar, Rabri Devi, on Friday said that the Hyderabad encounter in which all the four accused in the rape and murder of a woman veterinarian were killed, will act as a deterrent against criminals.
"What happened in Hyderabad will act as a deterrent against criminals surely, we welcome this. In Bihar as well, cases of crimes against women are increasing. The state government here is lax and doing nothing," Rabri Devi told ANI here.
According to the police, all the four accused were being taken to the scene of the crime, where the charred body of the doctor was found, when they allegedly attempted to escape.
"The accused Mohammed Arif, Naveen, Shiva and Chennakeshavulu were killed in a police encounter at Chatanpally, Shadnagar today in the wee hours, between 3 am and 6 am," Cyberabad Police Commissioner V C Sajjanar said.
The four accused were arrested and were in judicial custody and lodged in high-security cells at Cherlapally Central Jail in Hyderabad.
DCP Shamshabad Prakash Reddy said, "Cyberabad Police had brought the accused persons to the crime spot for re-construction of the sequence of events. The accused snatched weapon and fired on Police. In self-defence the police fired back, in which the accused were killed."
Police said that the veterinarian was brutally raped and killed by the accused who burned her body in Shamshabad area on November 27. Her charred body was recovered on November 28.