Telangana school education department on Monday issued a circular, declaring "half day schools during summer" from March 15.
The department issued an order to all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education (RJDSEs) and district education officers to take necessary action regarding the same.
The circular read, "Half day schools will run during summer i.e. from March 15 onwards till last working day of the academic year 2017-18. The schools i.e. primary, upper primary and high schools of all managements i.e. both government, government aided and private managements will function from 8am to 12.30 pm. In respect of high schools having SSC exam centers, the school timing will be from 1pm to 5pm".
"Optional holidays will be applicable for schools rather than individual teachers. The earlier practice of utilisation of optional holidays to the institutions shall be continued," the order issued by the Commissioner and Director of School Education G Kishan said.
All the RJDSEs and district education officers have been directed to communicate the above orders to the schools functioning under all managements and monitor the implementation.