Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray on Thursday said the Jains cannot decide the policies of the state and vowed his party's support to those willing to sell meat in the state.
"The jains will not decide what will happen in Maharashtra. Digambar Jains roam naked showing their body, if that is okay then why is this meat ban issued in the state?" asked Thackeray.
"The MNS will definitely support whoever wants to sell meat in the state. We won't follow the meat ban issued by the government," he told the media at a press conference here.
The banning of meat in Mumbai has turned into a political slugfest with various political parties slamming the Maharashtra Government for imposing such ban.
The Maharashtra Government has banned meat in Mumbai for the last four days in view of the Jain festival of Paryushan.