One time mainstream and investigative journalist Shiv Kumar's first fictional offering as an author, "The Kingly Shadow", tells us the story of a humble school teacher Prince whose every action is focused on what is happening in his place called "Wonderland" located in the heart of Asia.
A man of simple tastes and living, but by no means ordinary, the novel shows Prince suddenly being blamed for a terrible crisis that has struck "Wonderland", and then, takes us on a journey that traces the steps he takes to address the challenges while not knowing what is the solution to restore the fortunes and future of "Wonderland".
The 17 chaptered and 92-page book published by the Chennai-based Notion Press talks of Prince being targeted by vested interests and faced with tactics of the nefarious kind.
Anarchy prevails in "Wonderland" for sometime till a couple of individuals - 76-year-old Raymond Mandy (the head of the ruling Green Party) and 50-year-old RK (R.K. Jackson) step in to understand what ails the place and to assist Prince in getting the blame off him and in restoring order by taking charge of the administration.
Intelligence officials also form a part of the storyline, as they lay traps for Prince to fall into as they believe he is the head of the "Tremor Force" or "TF" that is being seen as creating all the mayhem and instability in "Wonderland". The political skullduggery and quest for power of opposition leader and head of the Yellow Party, Antony Jameson, is also highlighted as his Prince's infatuation first with Carla, and then at the end with his new love interest and eventual wife Rosy.
Shiv Kumar's book is a fine offering for the reader as plot and sub-plot unfold at a thrilling pace before concluding on a happily ever after note.
A freelance writer, seasoned blogger and active on social media, Kumar is now involved with education sector in Haryana.