After Vinay Sharma, one of the six accused in the 2012 Delhi gang-rape case, allegedly attempted suicide at Tihar Jail late last night, his father Hari Ram Sharma on Thursday alleged that there is some "conspiracy" (mili bhagat) as the "government is planning to release his son".
"There is some conspiracy (mili bhagat) between police and others. He could not do so; he never attempted suicide. Now, the government is planning to release him, they are doing this drama," Vinay's father told ANI.
Alleging that it was a failure of the jail administration and staff, he said, "When I visit there (at Tihar), they frisk me from top to the bottom (such is the security there); then how those medicines reached there," Hari Ram Sharma sought to know.
He further said he recently met his son regarding his daughter's marriage and Vinay told him that he would come soon after he was released.
Rejecting the allegation that Vinay hanged himself, his father said, "How could he hang himself when nothing can go inside his cell? He could not hang himself, he is not like that."
"I want my son to get well soon," said Hari Ram Sharma, adding "They should either leave him of hang him, why they are doing so much drama around it. He is my son, and thus, I am traumatised."
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Vinay has been admitted at Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital in "critical" condition.
Police said he appeared to have consumed some pills before using a towel to hang himself.
However, another inmate, who woke up in the nick of time, brought Sharma down and alerted the jail authorities.
In March 2013, Ram Singh, another accused in the case, committed suicide by hanging in his cell, exposing the law and order situation at Tihar Jail.
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