Following the resignation of Uttar Pradesh Governor B L Joshi and Karnataka's H R Bhardwaj, Senior Congress leader and former Union minister M. Veerappa Moily said,"The manner in which it is now resorted to has to be condemned."
The former Petroleum minister said, "Governors are appointed by the government in place at that particular point of time that doesn't mean you need to politicize it, and in the same way we should not politicize the removal of the governors."
He also added "SC has also announced that there should be some cogent and substantial reasons for the removal, unless those reasons are met out you cannot remove governors just because you want to appoint your own party member."
There has been a row over the removal of six governors appointed by the UPA since the BJP has come into power with senior BJP leaders defending the government's reported move to ask for resignations of governors appointed by the previous government.